For Intuitives
Anger & Fear : Guides on the Intuitive Path
Written by Andrea Rae
Anger and fear are often seen as things that get in the way of our intuition. I refer to fear as being something we release to help us get deeper access to intuition, but anger and fear can also be our guides to get more access to intuition.
Facts about intuition:
* Society doesn’t understand what intuition is and how to access intuition, so inherently this makes people suspicious and resistant. What you can’t see shouldn’t be trusted.
* We have all been exposed to this anger and fear around intuition. Historically people have been persecuted for their intuitive & psychic skills.
* If you have been immune to the opinions of others, congrats, but for most of us who are intuitive, we have battened down the hatches at times in order to not make others uncomfortable.
* Blocking our intuition has consequently made US feel uncomfortable, because it is inherently a natural part of who we are, not a strange, weird, thing-to-be-distrusted.
* Often the beliefs of others have been imposed on us making it feel like we are the ones that are uncertain about intuition, triggering fear and anger. The fear and anger aren’t the problem, it is the associated beliefs that are the issue.
* When we explore the beliefs that we have about intuition and how impacts others, we are able to release the fear of the reactions of others.
* Working with our intuition often requires some healing, clearing old beliefs, emotions and energy from the past.
* Our intuition won’t work with us if we have hidden agendas and make ego-driven demands.
* Our intuition is not a performing seal that is there for your amusement, it is a natural part of us that desires respect. It is likely you won’t be able to access your intuition if you are making contrived or frivolous requests.
When we feel fear and anger around our intuition, or around the opinions and judgments that others have of us for being intuitive, it means it is time to spend more time with our intuition, to strengthen the relationship, to work with it, to listen to it, and to honor the guidance that it offers.
Noticing the anger and fear is not the problem. Anger and fear is a symptom of a deeper issue that needs to be worked with, that requires us to work with ourselves in order to build trust with our intuition.