Balance and Heal the Sixth Chakra
Sixth Chakra ~ Ajna Chakra
Ajna is a Sanskrit word means 'command' or 'summon.' Literally, means 'the monitoring center,' is considering as the eye of intuition and intellect. It is the seat of wisdom and insight. It is the gateway to astral and the psychic dimension of the consciousness, so called as 'the eye of intuition' or "the third eye." This sixth chakra is a powerful chakra with the mind it perceives knowledge directly via a 6th or intuitive sense. Here we begin to experience formless consciousness, ESP, and instinctively senses beyond the five senses. This Chakra is everything from discipline, emotional maturity, wisdom, and judgment. The three nadis merges here called the Mukta Triveni (Mukta means liberated); they are Ida on the left, Pingala on the right and Sushumna in between. This chakra can center your mind, and it has been full of peace and stability. Beyond Ajna chakra, nadis Ida and Pingala, end in the left and right nostrils respectively.
Ajna chakra is also called as the third eye, a mystical concept referring to an invisible eye, which provides the perception beyond ordinary sight. This refers to the gate leads to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. It is possible that the pineal gland is our connection to the divine, providing us with visions during many metaphysical experiences. For centuries, occultists and spiritual masters have thought of this gland as the “seat of the soul.”
As per astrology, Ajna is the center of Jupiter symbol of the guru, so called as 'the guru chakra'. Ajna chakra is the bridging link between the guru and disciples. This chakra establishes communication with the external guru; the teacher or preceptor. In the deepest meditation, when all the senses are withdrawn and at the state of Shoonya (void), you can hear the voice or directions of the inner guru.
Consuming meats, fish, carbonated beverages, fluoride-containing water & toothpaste and exposure to air pollution negatively affect the pineal gland and its function. Eating animal meat can ingest the DNA of that animal, thus the negative or positive experiences of an animal could interrupt the pineal gland’s own psychic awareness.
Location: Behind the eyebrow center in front of the spinal cord, at the medulla oblongata. It resembles a tiny pinecone located near the center of the brain, in between the two hemispheres. Indian females place Tilakam (Kumkum) on the eyebrow center; it applies a constant pressure on the nerve runs from Bhrumadhya to the medulla oblongata.
Color: Indigo
Animal: naad, unbroken sound
Sense: extra sensory-perception (higher sense of telepathy, empathy, ESP)
Element: is light that is spiritual vision (mind) and inner sound. Intuition and wisdom develop here, and the mind is strong & steady.
Balanced Ajna chakra manifests compassion and tolerance. It opens the door of perception (ESP), telepathy (reading another's thoughts or sending one's own to another), precognition (predicting the future), will, vision, dynamic thought, intuition, spiritual mind, psychic-awareness and archetypal identity. Finally, it is all about the capacity to visualize and understand mental concepts.
Unbalanced Ajna chakra leads to the physical symptoms such as brain tumors, seizures, strokes, panic, depression, confusion, learning disabilities, fear-of-truth, poor eyesight, blindness, deafness, and spinal dysfunctions. Other symptoms include migraines, insomnia, neuralgia, high blood pressure, lumbago, sciatica, low immune system, acute sinusitis and drug problems. Everything is external, not a part of them; they generally not attached to or aware of the world, even themselves.
Sound: om (aum), to pronounce the mantra position your mouth as you would say the vowel “U”; however, pronouncing "O" from throat and finish with “M" by closing the lips by deeply extending the humming to your capacity. It helps to achieve the effortless meditation state.
Affirmation: I see.
Essential Oil: frankincense, cedar wood, myrrh and grapefruit.
Crystals: Amethyst, and Moonstone
Mudra for the third eye chakra is Kalesvara Mudra; extend and touch the pads of the middle fingers and the thumbs of the respective fingers by the opposite hands. Curl the index, ring and pinky finger’s inwards and connect these finger’s backside from the joint to the tips. Point the thumbs towards your chest with your elbows out to the side.
Kalesvara Mudra stops the flood of thoughts and calms the irritated feelings. It helps us to make new observations about ourselves; enable to find solutions to our challenges. The Meditating focal point for Ajna chakra is the eyebrow center known as Bhrumadhya to open this chakra.
Sunlight is extremely important for the pineal gland and is a form of food to nourish the body. Sunlight can be taken and digested through the eyes, skin, hair, nose, and ears and should be consumed for at least 30 minutes a day. You can fully engage your pineal gland by exposing your eye to sunlight preferably rising or falling sun (which has low or no UV rays).
Reflexology for Ajna chakra: if you experience learning disabilities, panic, depression, fear of truth, migraines, insomnia, and neuralgia. You can re-balance it by stimulating reflex point of the pineal gland. In the feet, it is in the big toe, just above the bump and even with the base of the nail. Similarly, in the hand it is slightly above the thumb center and even with the base of the nail.