Balance and Heal the Fourth Chakra
Fourth Chakra~ Anahata
Anahata is a Sanskrit word meaning sound that is made without any two things striking, as well as 'unstruck,' 'unhurt' 'fresh' and 'clean' the sound of the celestial realm. The sound means a constant unbroken rhythm by the heart, which throbs, beats or vibrates. Manifests unconditional love, forgiveness, and patience. Forgiveness is one of the highest acts of a human since it could prevent war forever. Heart chakra is the center of the seven chakras system, three chakras above and below. In this chakra matter & spirit unites and connects to the Third Eye & the Crown Chakra.
Location: Inner wall of spinal cord directly behind the center of the chest.
Color: Green, representing unconditional love; this is the meaning of the chakra. Qualities of color green are love, balance, harmony, peace, calming, neutral, soothing, and healing. It relaxes mentally & physically; additionally alleviates depression, nervousness, and anxiety.
Animal: Black Antelope
Sense: Touch
Element: Air
When Unbalanced: Manifests the lack of love, no-good toward others, everything for self, despair, jealousy, hate, loneliness, possessiveness, grief, and depression. It is difficult for the person to love others freely. The typical characteristic is someone who always has shielded around them, protecting selves, not trusting anyone. In worst-case scenario, prevents the self-love. The unbalanced chakra's physical effects are falling ill frequently, heart/lung diseases, high blood pressure, digestive difficulties, liver problems, diabetes, nervous exhaustion, and food allergies.
When Balanced: Manifest well-balanced, giving, accepting of others, openness in relationships, compassionate, empathetic, humanitarian, completeness, and has an abundance of tolerance and patience. They see good in everyone and has a desire to nurture others. Sexual energy can surrender and merge in a love relationship.
Mantra: I love.
Affirmations: I am willing. I surrender to higher love.
Soul Lesson: Love
Practices: Arms up 60 degrees, Side twists, Ong Sohung mantra.
Sound: (रं) “yam,” pronounce the mantra by inhaling noiselessly through your mouth, and sound YUM (as in yummy). Make YUM sound by breathing-in, air filling the mouth and throat cavity.
Essential Oils: Rose Damascena, English lavender and vetiver.
Crystals: Green Aventurine, Unakite, Green Moss Agate, Green Jade, Green Calcite, Green Tourmaline, Ryolite, Blue Tiger Eye, Rose Quartz, Prehnite, Amazonite.
Mudra: Hridaya Mudra; place the index finger tip to the thumb root, join the tips of your middle, ring and thumb fingers, and the little finger remains straight. Place your hands on your knees with the palms facing upward. Close the eyes and relax the body, keeping it motionless for 25 to 30 minutes.
The middle and ring fingers have nadis directly connects to the heart, and the thumb closes this pranic circuit. This mudra acts as an energizer by diverting the prana flow to the heart and improves the vitality of the heart. Hridaya mudra is helpful to release repressed emotion and unburden your heart. It is a mudra suitable to practice during emotional conflict and crisis.
Reflexology: The thymus gland governs immune system; recognizes and sends appropriate antibodies to fight infection and disease. Your thymus gland shrinks when you undergo too much stress, thus thymus unable to fight disease or become more sensitive, and false trigger immune response (allergy). Locate the reflex point of thymus gland, then using your thumb press firmly for about 25 to 30 seconds. Repeat on other foot.