Move Stagnant Winter Energy with the 4 U's

Kundalini Kriya: Adjust Your Flow - The Four U's For You

Originally taught by Yogi Bhajan on July 5, 1984. Article from

This is the set of “U.” It invigorates you by adjusting your Pranic Body with your Auric Body in direct contrast with the Ardine. These are called the 4 U's and they are "for you." Anytime you do these, you need to do a deep relaxation afterwards.

"The '4 U' kriya sets the nervous system to withstand pressures of society and challenges of times.  Do each posture for 11 minutes for 11 days without moving a muscle and this is said to create nerves strong as steel—'stainless steel forever.' This kriya also works on eliminating fear and developing greater spinal flexibility. Different people will function at individual levels of development and capability. Therefore, though the full time for each posture is 11 minutes, practice according to your individual ability."
-Mukta Kaur, SuperHealth

1. Lie down flat on the back. Raise the legs and arms straight up to 90 degrees. Point the toes. Knees and elbows are straight. Hold steady and think about what good you have done since you have come to the planet Earth. Reconcile activities with your beautiful intelligence. We are moving the life force energy today and without any movement. Keep yourself in the posture no matter what. The energy will adjust itself. Continue for 11 minutes.



2. Still lying on the back, bring the hands straight up over the head on the ground. Then raise the !ower body up into a modified Plow Pose, with the legs straight over the head but parallel to the ground. Continue for 11 minutes. This is a simple flow of energy, a simple way of just being.



3. Come sitting up and stretch the legs out in front; the arms extend toward the toes, palms down and parallel to the ground. The back is straight and steady, like a statue. The pain and disturbance comes in the adjustment of the pranic energy. You feel the pressure of the muscles adjusting themselves. Chinese call it "chi" energy, Japanese call it "qi" energy, and we call it "ji energy. “Ji" means the soul, the inner Self, the being. Meditate, chant and recite anything mentally or verbally, but keep the posture perfect. Continue for 11 minutes.



4. Stand up straight and bend over at the waist so the torso is parallel to the ground. Keep the back and neck straight. The arms will hang loosely down towards the ground. Form a "U" with your body. Don't bend down to the toes. You can chant or meditate to keep your self going. Continue for 11 minutes.



5. Deep Relaxation. Relax flat on the back. Listen to a gong, if available. Continue for 10 minutes.
